/*! * tipso - A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin v1.0.8 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Bojan Petkovski * http://tipso.object505.com * Licensed under the MIT license * http://object505.mit-license.org/ */ // CommonJS, AMD or browser globals (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { var pluginName = "tipso", defaults = { speed : 400, //Animation speed background : '#55b555', titleBackground : '#333333', color : '#ffffff', titleColor : '#ffffff', titleContent : '', //Content of the title bar showArrow : true, position : 'top', width : 200, maxWidth : '', delay : 200, hideDelay : 0, animationIn : '', animationOut : '', offsetX : 0, offsetY : 0, arrowWidth : 8, tooltipHover : false, content : null, ajaxContentUrl : null, ajaxContentBuffer : 0, contentElementId : null, //Normally used for picking template scripts useTitle : false, //Use the title tag as tooptip or not templateEngineFunc: null, //A function that compiles and renders the content onBeforeShow : null, onShow : null, onHide : null }; function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this.$element = $(this.element); this.doc = $(document); this.win = $(window); this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); /* * Process and add data-attrs to settings as well for ease of use. Also, if * data-tipso is an object then use it as extra settings and if it's not * then use it as a title. */ if (typeof(this.$element.data("tipso")) === "object") { $.extend(this.settings, this.$element.data("tipso")); } var data_keys = Object.keys(this.$element.data()); var data_attrs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < data_keys.length; i++) { var key = data_keys[i].replace(pluginName, ""); if (key === "") { continue; } //lowercase first letter key = key.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + key.slice(1); data_attrs[key] = this.$element.data(data_keys[i]); //We cannot use extend for data_attrs because they are automatically //lowercased. We need to do this manually and extend this.settings with //data_attrs for (var settings_key in this.settings) { if (settings_key.toLowerCase() == key) { this.settings[settings_key] = data_attrs[key]; } } } this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this._title = this.$element.attr('title'); this.mode = 'hide'; this.ieFade = !supportsTransitions; //By keeping the original prefered position and repositioning by calling //the reposition function we can make for more smart and easier positioning //in complex scenarios! this.settings.preferedPosition = this.settings.position; this.init(); } $.extend(Plugin.prototype, { init: function() { var obj = this, $e = this.$element, $doc = this.doc; $e.addClass('tipso_style').removeAttr('title'); if (obj.settings.tooltipHover) { var waitForHover = null, hoverHelper = null; $e.on('mouseover' + '.' + pluginName, function() { clearTimeout(waitForHover); clearTimeout(hoverHelper); hoverHelper = setTimeout(function(){ obj.show(); }, 150); }); $e.on('mouseout' + '.' + pluginName, function() { clearTimeout(waitForHover); clearTimeout(hoverHelper); waitForHover = setTimeout(function(){ obj.hide(); }, 200); obj.tooltip() .on('mouseover' + '.' + pluginName, function() { obj.mode = 'tooltipHover'; }) .on('mouseout' + '.' + pluginName, function() { obj.mode = 'show'; clearTimeout(waitForHover); waitForHover = setTimeout(function(){ obj.hide(); }, 200); }) ; }); } else { $e.on('mouseover' + '.' + pluginName, function() { obj.show(); }); $e.on('mouseout' + '.' + pluginName, function() { obj.hide(); }); } if(obj.settings.ajaxContentUrl) { obj.ajaxContent = null; } }, tooltip: function() { if (!this.tipso_bubble) { this.tipso_bubble = $( '<div class="tipso_bubble"><div class="tipso_title"></div><div class="tipso_content"></div><div class="tipso_arrow"></div></div>' ); } return this.tipso_bubble; }, show: function() { var tipso_bubble = this.tooltip(), obj = this, $win = this.win; if (obj.settings.showArrow === false) { tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_arrow").hide(); } else { tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_arrow").show(); } if (obj.mode === 'hide') { if ($.isFunction(obj.settings.onBeforeShow)) { obj.settings.onBeforeShow(obj.$element, obj.element, obj); } if (obj.settings.size) { tipso_bubble.addClass(obj.settings.size); } if (obj.settings.width) { tipso_bubble.css({ background: obj.settings.background, color: obj.settings.color, width: obj.settings.width }).hide(); } else if (obj.settings.maxWidth){ tipso_bubble.css({ background: obj.settings.background, color: obj.settings.color, maxWidth: obj.settings.maxWidth }).hide(); } else { tipso_bubble.css({ background: obj.settings.background, color: obj.settings.color, width: 200 }).hide(); } tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_title').css({ background: obj.settings.titleBackground, color: obj.settings.titleColor }); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_content').html(obj.content()); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_title').html(obj.titleContent()); reposition(obj); $win.on('resize' + '.' + pluginName, function tipsoResizeHandler () { obj.settings.position = obj.settings.preferedPosition; reposition(obj); }); window.clearTimeout(obj.timeout); obj.timeout = null; obj.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { if (obj.ieFade || obj.settings.animationIn === '' || obj.settings.animationOut === ''){ tipso_bubble.appendTo('body').stop(true, true).fadeIn(obj.settings .speed, function() { obj.mode = 'show'; if ($.isFunction(obj.settings.onShow)) { obj.settings.onShow(obj.$element, obj.element, obj); } }); } else { tipso_bubble.remove().appendTo('body') .stop(true, true) .removeClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationOut) .addClass('noAnimation') .removeClass('noAnimation') .addClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationIn).fadeIn(obj.settings.speed, function() { $(this).one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ $(this).removeClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationIn); }); obj.mode = 'show'; if ($.isFunction(obj.settings.onShow)) { obj.settings.onShow(obj.$element, obj.element, obj); } $win.off('resize' + '.' + pluginName, null, 'tipsoResizeHandler'); }); } }, obj.settings.delay); } }, hide: function(force) { var obj = this, $win = this.win, tipso_bubble = this.tooltip(), hideDelay = obj.settings.hideDelay; if (force) { hideDelay = 0; obj.mode = 'show'; } window.clearTimeout(obj.timeout); obj.timeout = null; obj.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { if (obj.mode !== 'tooltipHover') { if (obj.ieFade || obj.settings.animationIn === '' || obj.settings.animationOut === ''){ tipso_bubble.stop(true, true).fadeOut(obj.settings.speed, function() { $(this).remove(); if ($.isFunction(obj.settings.onHide) && obj.mode === 'show') { obj.settings.onHide(obj.$element, obj.element, obj); } obj.mode = 'hide'; $win.off('resize' + '.' + pluginName, null, 'tipsoResizeHandler'); }); } else { tipso_bubble.stop(true, true) .removeClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationIn) .addClass('noAnimation').removeClass('noAnimation') .addClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationOut) .one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ $(this).removeClass('animated ' + obj.settings.animationOut).remove(); if ($.isFunction(obj.settings.onHide) && obj.mode === 'show') { obj.settings.onHide(obj.$element, obj.element, obj); } obj.mode = 'hide'; $win.off('resize' + '.' + pluginName, null, 'tipsoResizeHandler'); }); } } }, hideDelay); }, close: function() { this.hide(true); }, destroy: function() { var $e = this.$element, $win = this.win, $doc = this.doc; $e.off('.' + pluginName); $win.off('resize' + '.' + pluginName, null, 'tipsoResizeHandler'); $e.removeData(pluginName); $e.removeClass('tipso_style').attr('title', this._title); }, titleContent: function() { var content, $e = this.$element, obj = this; if (obj.settings.titleContent) { content = obj.settings.titleContent; } else { content = $e.data('tipso-title'); } return content; }, content: function() { var content, $e = this.$element, obj = this, title = this._title; if (obj.settings.ajaxContentUrl) { if(obj._ajaxContent) { content = obj._ajaxContent; } else { obj._ajaxContent = content = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: obj.settings.ajaxContentUrl, async: false }).responseText; if(obj.settings.ajaxContentBuffer > 0) { setTimeout(function(){ obj._ajaxContent = null; }, obj.settings.ajaxContentBuffer); } else { obj._ajaxContent = null; } } } else if (obj.settings.contentElementId) { content = $("#" + obj.settings.contentElementId).text(); } else if (obj.settings.content) { content = obj.settings.content; } else { if (obj.settings.useTitle === true) { content = title; } else { // Only use data-tipso as content if it's not being used for settings if (typeof($e.data("tipso")) === "string") { content = $e.data('tipso'); } } } if (obj.settings.templateEngineFunc !== null) { content = obj.settings.templateEngineFunc(content); } return content; }, update: function(key, value) { var obj = this; if (value) { obj.settings[key] = value; } else { return obj.settings[key]; } } }); function realHeight(obj) { var clone = obj.clone(); clone.css("visibility", "hidden"); $('body').append(clone); var height = clone.outerHeight(); var width = clone.outerWidth(); clone.remove(); return { 'width' : width, 'height' : height }; } var supportsTransitions = (function() { var s = document.createElement('p').style, v = ['ms','O','Moz','Webkit']; if( s['transition'] === '' ) return true; while( v.length ) if( v.pop() + 'Transition' in s ) return true; return false; })(); function removeCornerClasses(obj) { obj.removeClass("top_right_corner bottom_right_corner top_left_corner bottom_left_corner"); obj.find(".tipso_title").removeClass("top_right_corner bottom_right_corner top_left_corner bottom_left_corner"); } function reposition(thisthat) { var tipso_bubble = thisthat.tooltip(), $e = thisthat.$element, obj = thisthat, $win = $(window), arrow = 10, pos_top, pos_left, diff; var arrow_color = obj.settings.background; var title_content = obj.titleContent(); if (title_content !== undefined && title_content !== '') { arrow_color = obj.settings.titleBackground; } if ($e.parent().outerWidth() > $win.outerWidth()) { $win = $e.parent(); } switch (obj.settings.position) { case 'top-right': pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth()); pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("bottom_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("bottom_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': arrow_color, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top-right top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent ', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("top_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': obj.settings.background, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } break; case 'top-left': pos_left = $e.offset().left - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width); pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("bottom_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("bottom_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': arrow_color, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top-right top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent ', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("top_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': obj.settings.background, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } break; /* * Bottom right position */ case 'bottom-right': pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth()); pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top + realHeight(tipso_bubble).height > $win.scrollTop() + $win.outerHeight()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("top_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("top_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': obj.settings.background, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top-right top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("bottom_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("bottom_right_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': arrow_color, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } break; /* * Bottom left position */ case 'bottom-left': pos_left = $e.offset().left - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width); pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top + realHeight(tipso_bubble).height > $win.scrollTop() + $win.outerHeight()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("top_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("top_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': obj.settings.background, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top-right top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass("bottom_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_title").addClass("bottom_left_corner"); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': arrow_color, }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } break; /* * Top position */ case 'top': pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width / 2); pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } break; case 'bottom': pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width / 2); pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '', }); if (pos_top + realHeight(tipso_bubble).height > $win.scrollTop() + $win.outerHeight()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass(obj.settings.position); } break; case 'left': pos_left = $e.offset().left - realHeight(tipso_bubble).width - arrow; pos_top = $e.offset().top + ($e.outerHeight() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).height / 2); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginTop: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginLeft: '' }); if (pos_left < $win.scrollLeft()) { pos_left = $e.offset().left + $e.outerWidth() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('right'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-right-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass(obj.settings.position); } break; case 'right': pos_left = $e.offset().left + $e.outerWidth() + arrow; pos_top = $e.offset().top + ($e.outerHeight() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).height / 2); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginTop: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginLeft: '' }); if (pos_left + arrow + obj.settings.width > $win.scrollLeft() + $win.outerWidth()) { pos_left = $e.offset().left - realHeight(tipso_bubble).width - arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-left-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-right-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('left'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-right-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass(obj.settings.position); } break; } /* * Set the position of the arrow for the corner positions */ if (obj.settings.position === 'top-right') { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'margin-left': -obj.settings.width / 2 }); } if (obj.settings.position === 'top-left') { var tipso_arrow = tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_arrow").eq(0); tipso_arrow.css({ 'margin-left': obj.settings.width / 2 - 2 * obj.settings.arrowWidth }); } if (obj.settings.position === 'bottom-right') { var tipso_arrow = tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_arrow").eq(0); tipso_arrow.css({ 'margin-left': -obj.settings.width / 2, 'margin-top': '' }); } if (obj.settings.position === 'bottom-left') { var tipso_arrow = tipso_bubble.find(".tipso_arrow").eq(0); tipso_arrow.css({ 'margin-left': obj.settings.width / 2 - 2 * obj.settings.arrowWidth, 'margin-top': '' }); } /* * Check out of boundness */ if (pos_left < $win.scrollLeft() && (obj.settings.position === 'bottom' || obj.settings.position === 'top')) { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: pos_left - obj.settings.arrowWidth }); pos_left = 0; } if (pos_left + obj.settings.width > $win.outerWidth() && (obj.settings.position === 'bottom' || obj.settings.position === 'top')) { diff = $win.outerWidth() - (pos_left + obj.settings.width); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -diff - obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '' }); pos_left = pos_left + diff; } if (pos_left < $win.scrollLeft() && (obj.settings.position === 'left' || obj.settings.position === 'right' || obj.settings.position === 'top-right' || obj.settings.position === 'top-left' || obj.settings.position === 'bottom-right' || obj.settings.position === 'bottom-left')) { pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width / 2); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '' }); pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } if (pos_left + obj.settings.width > $win.outerWidth()) { diff = $win.outerWidth() - (pos_left + obj.settings.width); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -diff - obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '' }); pos_left = pos_left + diff; } if (pos_left < $win.scrollLeft()) { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: pos_left - obj.settings.arrowWidth }); pos_left = 0; } } /* * If out of bounds from the right hand side */ if (pos_left + obj.settings.width > $win.outerWidth() && (obj.settings.position === 'left' || obj.settings.position === 'right' || obj.settings.position === 'top-right' || obj.settings.position === 'top-left' || obj.settings.position === 'bottom-right' || obj.settings.position === 'bottom-right')) { pos_left = $e.offset().left + ($e.outerWidth() / 2) - (realHeight(tipso_bubble).width / 2); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '' }); pos_top = $e.offset().top - realHeight(tipso_bubble).height - arrow; if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop()) { pos_top = $e.offset().top + $e.outerHeight() + arrow; tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-bottom-color': arrow_color, 'border-top-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('bottom'); } else { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ 'border-top-color': obj.settings.background, 'border-bottom-color': 'transparent', 'border-left-color': 'transparent', 'border-right-color': 'transparent' }); /* * Hide and show the appropriate rounded corners */ removeCornerClasses(tipso_bubble); tipso_bubble.removeClass('top bottom left right'); tipso_bubble.addClass('top'); } if (pos_left + obj.settings.width > $win.outerWidth()) { diff = $win.outerWidth() - (pos_left + obj.settings.width); tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: -diff - obj.settings.arrowWidth, marginTop: '' }); pos_left = pos_left + diff; } if (pos_left < $win.scrollLeft()) { tipso_bubble.find('.tipso_arrow').css({ marginLeft: pos_left - obj.settings.arrowWidth }); pos_left = 0; } } tipso_bubble.css({ left: pos_left + obj.settings.offsetX, top: pos_top + obj.settings.offsetY }); // If positioned right or left and tooltip is out of bounds change position // This position change will be temporary, because preferedPosition is there // to help!! if (pos_top < $win.scrollTop() && (obj.settings.position === 'right' || obj.settings.position === 'left')) { $e.tipso('update', 'position', 'bottom'); reposition(obj); } if (pos_top + realHeight(tipso_bubble).height > $win.scrollTop() + $win.outerHeight() && (obj.settings.position === 'right' || obj.settings.position === 'left')) { $e.tipso('update', 'position', 'top'); reposition(obj); } } $[pluginName] = $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { var args = arguments; if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') { if (!(this instanceof $)) { $.extend(defaults, options); } return this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') { var returns; this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName); if (!instance) { instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options)); } if (instance instanceof Plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') { returns = instance[options].apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice .call(args, 1)); } if (options === 'destroy') { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null); } }); return returns !== undefined ? returns : this; } }; }));